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Математическая модель прямолинейного движения по деформируемой опорной поверхности…

ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2017. № 2


In order to obtain power and towing characteristics, we

focus on the methodology and testing facility for studying

the interaction between the wheels and the supporting

surface. Furthermore, we describe a method of using

experimental characteristics in simulating the linear

dynamics of the two-link semitrailer truck. The deve-

loped mathematical model of the four-axle tractor and

three-axle semitrailer was implemented in the MATLAB


Simulink. We give the results of theoretical studies of

road train uphill movements with different semitrailer

wheel drives. Findings of the research show that one of

the promising directions in developing all-wheel drive

systems of the semitrailer truck is the synthesis of the law

of rational control over semitrailer drive system, inclu-

ding the analysis of the power factors in the coupling



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