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В.А. Бернс, Е.П. Жуков, Д.А. Маринин


ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2016. № 4

not always available. The article looks at the identification

technique of the structures dissipative properties according

to the results of modal testing by the phase resonance me-

thod. The full-scale dynamic system is described by the

mathematical model with the finite number of degrees of

freedom. In order to identify the damping forces properties,

the ratios between forced monophasic vibrations and struc-

tural eigenmodes are used. As an example, a mathematical

model of a dynamically similar model of the aircraft is con-

structed, which describes a number of the structure

eigenmodes. A good agreement of the design and experi-

mental amplitude-frequency characteristics of the object is

observed. The full-scale aircraft test results, permitting to

identify the aircraft dissipative properties are shown


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