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Методика проектного синтеза баллистических установок с гидродинамическим эффектом…

ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2016. № 4




This paper proposes a method for automated search for

rational parameters of ballistic installations with hydro-

dynamic effect. We consider the techniques for solving direct

and inverse problems. The mathematical model takes into

account the two-phase nature of gas-powder mixture. We

describe the deformable piston in the model of visco-plastic

medium and carry out the numerical solution of the direct

problem according to Godunov-type scheme with the solu-

tion of Riemann problem by means of AUSM+ method. In

the areas of hyperbolicity loss we use Rusanov scheme. We

perform the synthesis of optimal parameters using the genet-

ic algorithm. The calculation results are given in two variants

of optimality criterion

Ballistic design, ballistic installa-

tion, interior ballistics, inter-

chamber processes, hydrodnamic

effect, genetic algorithm


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