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When the projectile velocity rises up to



= 2000

m/s, a rather

high yield strength of the projectile material (



= 1000

MPa) does not

cause any noticeable deceleration of the remaining part of the projectile

(see Fig. 6). The penetration velocity



— initial velocity



ratio at



= 2000

m/s turns out to be significantly higher than at



= 2000


which apparently arises from the reduction of the target strength effect

during the increase of the interaction velocity. Contact stress



at the target

interface increases almost twofold (approximately from 4 up to 7,5 GPa)

when the interaction velocity rises from 1400 to 2000 m/s.

In the both cases this stress is much higher than the yield strength

of the projectile material which provides conditions for a hydrodynamic

penetration mode.

In general, the results of the numerical computation show that the

material strength of the elongated projectiles made of a high-density alloy

has an insignificant impact on their penetration at the interaction velocities

of 1500 m/s and higher. Therefore, it does not seem to require taking special

measures for increasing material strength up to the maximal possible limit

while developing the production process of the high-density rod-shaped

projectiles. On the contrary, the analysis showns that a very high yield

strength of the elongated projectile material may result even in a certain

decrease of the projectile penetration.

According to the results of the numerical simulation, the dependence

of the projectile penetration depth on its material yield strength is

nonmonotonic and has a poorly defined extremum corresponding to the

maximal penetration.

The work was fulfilled with the financial support of the Russian Ministry

of Education and Science. It is a part of the basic component of the state

government task for higher educational establishments.


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ISSN 0236-3941. HERALD of the BMSTU Series “Mechanical Engineering”. 2015. No. 1 79