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case of



= 1500

MPa (


= 540

mm vs.


= 510

mm, Fig. 3). It is clear

that this “singular” effect found during the numerical computations needs

physical explanation. This explanation can be done in terms of energy.

It is known that a volume of the cavity, which is formed in the target

during the high-velocity penetration of the projectile, depends on its kinetic

energy [19]. As it can be seen in Fig. 2, with the increase of the projectile

material yield strength at a fixed velocity there is a certain decrease of

the cavity lateral size (it evidently occurs due to some difficulties in the

projectile material spreading in the lateral direction on the contact boundary

with the target because of the strength forces). Decrease of the cavity

lateral size under the condition of a fixed volume must lead to increase

of the penetration depth. This fact seems to explain the initial increase



along with the increase of the projectile material yield strength. The

stronger projectile deforms less in the radial direction, which results in

spending less energy for radial expansion of the cavity. Further decrease

of the penetration depth along with the increase of the projectile material

strength can be connected with the increase of the energy spent on the

plastic deformation of the projectile itself.

It must be noted that the elongated projectile penetration model didn’t

account for the situation of possible destruction of both the projectile and

target materials which can happen under the real conditions. However,

this fact appears to have insignificant impact on the projectile penetration

dependence on the projectile material strength. The destruction cannot

immediately occur in the penetration area (in the projectile and target

material contact area of a radial size, which corresponds to the projectile

radius) since the materials are in the state of uniform compression in

this area. Destruction may appear (and experimental data prove it) when

the projectile material spreading over the penetration area in the radial

direction takes the form of a thin film and its intensive plastic deformation

almost stops. This film composition (whether it remains continuous or

undergoes destruction) is of little significance considering its impact on the


Summing everything up it should be noted that the real values of



for the the VNZh-90 alloy (at the level of 1000MPa) are close to optimal

which provide the maximal penetration depth (see Fig. 3).

As it can be seen in Fig. 3, the projectile velocity has an impact on the

penetration depth that is more significant than on the projectile material

strength. The velocity of a projectile made of the VNZh-90 alloy with the

yield strength of 1000 MPa increases from 1400 to 2000 m/s, which results

in 12 mm cavity depth increase (from


= 545

mm to


= 670


it is approximately 23%. As the velocity increases, a cavity lateral size

increases considerably as well.

ISSN 0236-3941. HERALD of the BMSTU Series “Mechanical Engineering”. 2015. No. 1 75