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В.В. Ковалев, Р.С. Михеев, Н.В. Коберник


ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2016. № 4

various intermetallic Fe




phases. We give some information

on the crystal lattices, the formation conditions and strength

properties of intermetallic Fe




phases. Then, we study the

effect of the intermetallic layer thickness on the bimetallic

bonding strength properties, as well as the basic methods of

bonding preparation. We choose the arc welding methods as

the most promising ones for our purposes, as they do not

restrict the construction geometry. The article also looks at

some recent advances in the one-piece steel-aluminum bon-

ding preparation by arc welding methods and shows that a

bonding produced by arc welding has high resistance to cor-

rosion and also higher tensile strength than that of aluminum

alloys used in this process. Next, we give data on the effect of

different factors on the bondings properties: input heat during

welding, alloying components and process technologies.

Moreover, we describe the mechanism of the alloying ele-

ments effect that increase the values of bimetallic steel-

aluminum compounds tensile strength and we consider the

issue of solid steel wetting by molten aluminum, which is

determined by the difference in the melting points of metals.

Consequently, we reveal the data on the intermetallic layer

thickness and the recommended process technologies, that

allow us to get welding bonding, which is fractured through

the aluminum part of bimetallic construction. Finally, we give

re-commendations for the usage of alloying elements, which

makes it possible to limit the intermetallic layer growth and

ensure the solid steel wetting by molten aluminum


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