The Research of Vibrations Levels onto the Damage of the Turbogenerator Engine Rotors - page 10

In this paper two kinds of damage of the same type
of generator’s rotors are considered. In the first case of damage of
turbogenerator rotor, the cracks appeared at the end of the cogs of the
active part of rotor. In the other case on the exciting side at the end of the
shaft cracks appeared in the middle of lateral there cracks.
When the first mentioned cracks became visible, it was necessary to
put in work the third rotor.
It was expected that the cracks would become visible in short or longer
period of time. The vibrations were carefully watched.
The amplitude of vibrations and the phase angles changed when the
rotor of turbogenerator had cracks.
Mechanical inquires at the breaking point have shown that the starting
crack with depth of 0.60 mm at the above conditions spreads during the
work. Possible explanation for the mentioned crack is that it existed
mechanically while it was still in the production of the rotor.
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The original manuscript was received by the editors of “Vestnik” July 5, 2008
ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Машиностроение”. 2009. № 3 119
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