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О.Г. Оспенникова, О.А. Базылева, Э.Г. Аргинбаева, А.В. Шестаков


ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2017. № 3

[8] Bazyleva O.A., Arginbaeva E.G., Kolodochkina V.G., Khvatskiy K.K. The influence of

crystallographic orientation on structure, physical and mechanical properties of intermetallic

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[10] Bazyleva O.A., Arginbaeva E.G. Effect of heat treatment on the structure and heat re-

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[12] Bazyleva O.A., Bondarenko Yu.A., Timofeeva O.B., Afanas'yev-Khodykin A.N. Effect of

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[13] Bazyleva O.A., Arginbaeva E.G., Fesenko T.V., Kolodochkina V.G. Influence study of li-

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