Пье Пху Маунг, Г.В. Малышева
ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2016. № 5
Our work provides the calculations for the permeability
coefficient, values of the volume and porosity of a unit cell
of a woven fabric before and after deformation based on
the geometrical parameters. We investigated two types
of carbon woven fabric structures: standard and spread
tow. Standard type has a cross sectional shape of a cylin-
der. Spread tow type has a rectangular cross sectional
shape. The object of the research is the space antenna
reflector; its distinctive feature is the presence of the sur-
face of double curvature. We used RAM-RTM software to
model the kinetics of the process of impregnation of the
reflector for the two types of carbon fabric unit cell struc-
tures. This work also investigated the influence of the grid
angle between warp and welt of the unit cell on the dura-
tion of impregnation process. The results showed that
decreasing the angle between warp and welt of the unit cell
lead to the decrease in the permeability values. Based on
the results of calculations we produced the samples of the
reflectors and assessed their quality. This paper compares
the theoretical and experimental results. The comparison
of the two textile structures (standard and spread tow)
showed that the standard textiles with circular cross sec-
tion were impregnated faster than spread tows, which have
a rectangular cross section
Vacuum infusion, impregnation
time, grid angle, reflector, modeling
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