
Computing Contact Forces Between a Deformable Object and Gripper Links of a Manipulator

Authors: Leskov A.G., Seliverstova E.V. Published: 14.06.2018
Published in issue: #3(120)/2018  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2018-3-58-74

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Robots, Mechatronics, and Robotic Systems  
Keywords: grasp, deformable object, simulation, automatic object grasping, contact forces, grasp planning, Schunk WSG50, contact forces

We analysed the methods of computing contact forces between gripper links of a manipulator and a deformable object of manipulation. This problem is important for grasp simulation and planning. We present an original method for determining contact forces between objects, whose surfaces are modelled using point-based discretisation. We provide a solution to the Signorini problem based on the laws of linear elasticity theory and the Amonton --- Coulomb model of friction. To compute the intersections of the object and gripper surfaces, we used an algorithm described in our previous works that takes into account the direction of the gripper link motion relative to the object. Advantages of the method proposed are low computational complexity and ease of implementation. We developed computer software and present experimental results that prove the efficiency of the algorithm


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