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gradient module. A reverse range of greys was used when creating isolines

to enable better comparison.

The first quasi steady stage of the sharp edge model flow is presented

in Fig. 8. The numerical modelling was performed for the M

= 7

of the

ram air. In area


(Fig. 8


) the attached shock wave front is clearly visible

which can also be observed in the Schlieren image. In the transition location

of the wedge angular surface (area


, Fig. 8


) rare faction waves fan is

observed which is not so visible in the shadow image, it can be the result of

the boundary layer and separation flows in this area affecting the shadow

image. In the area


(Fig. 8


) the attached shock wave fronts intersection

is visible, which can denote the good level of validation for the approach

flow. Near the initial step of the cavity (Fig. 8


, area


) a series of rare

faction waves is visible, whose outline is also present in the experiment

data. At the end of the cavity (Fig. 8


, area


) a complex structure of

rarefaction waves is formed, which coincides in some respects with the

shadow image.

The comparison of the experiment Schlieren image with the numerical

simulation results for the second quasi steady sharp-edge flow stage is

presented in Fig. 8


, which shows that the high density gradient areas



, Fig. 8


) are in good agreement. The comparison results of

the flow after the cavity (area


, Fig. 8


) have also visibly improved,

which may be the consequence of a lower Mach number simulation of

the approach flow and correspondingly more peaked fronts of the wave

structure observed.

The experiment image of the first quasi steady blunt-nose flow stage

is compared to the numerical simulation results in Fig. 9. The experiment

image quality is lower than the one with the sharp edge because the video

camera used had smaller resolution. In the case of the blunt nose wedge,

the detached shock wave (area


, Fig. 9) and rare faction waves (area



Fig. 9) fronts have more blurred boundaries. However, the comparison of

flow structure in this area indicates that the numerical solution adequately

corresponds to the experiment. The majority of density field characteristics

present in the experiment photo image can be observed on the isolines

of the calculated density gradient. It should be noted that the comparison

of Fig. 8


and Fig. 9 leads to the conclusion that the blunt edge flow is

somewhat more complicated than sharp edge flow.


The flow structure for the air intake and ramjet passage

models was investigated experimentally and numerically in “Radiative gas

dynamics” laboratory in the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of RAS.

The change of cold air flows with M

= 7

and 4.5 around sharp and

blunt nose wedge models was recorded with high speed video cameras.

The experiment results are used to test numerical simulation of shockwave

16 ISSN 0236-3941. HERALD of the BMSTU. Series “Mechanical Engineering”. 2015. No. 1