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С.В. Федоров, Н.А. Федорова


ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. Машиностроение. 2016. № 4

ximately twice for all considered types of soil and rocky tar-

gets. With the increase in initial velocity, the relative incre-

ment of penetration depth decreases at the fixed mass of

a solid propellant charge. It is caused by the decrease in a

relative share of chemical energy of rocket propellant com-

bustion in comparison with initial kinetic energy of the pro-

jectile. For projectile velocity of 1000 m/s and a reserve of

rocket propellant in 20 % of projectile weight, the penetration

depth increment reaches 60 % for dense soil, 45 % for low-

strength rock and 40 % for high-strength rock at a rational

choice of jet impulse parameters


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