
Simulating Heat Exchange and Friction in a Thin Laminar Boundary Layer of Air over the Lateral Surface of a Blunted Cone Featuring a Low Aspect Ratio

Authors: Gorskiy V.V., Loktionova A.G. Published: 18.12.2020
Published in issue: #6(135)/2020  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2020-6-4-20

Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer Processes in Aircrafts  
Keywords: сonvective heat transfer, friction, impulse loss thickness, boundary layer

It is not possible to obtain a high-quality solution to a convective heat transfer problem without numerically integrating the differential equations describing the boundary layer, which involves a whole range of computational issues. Developing relatively simple yet adequately accurate computation methods becomes crucial. Using the effective length method may be considered to be the first step towards solving this problem. This method boasts an accuracy of convective heat transfer calculation that is acceptable in practice, due to which it became prevalent in aircraft design. However, this method is also relatively labour-intensive, although significantly less so than numerical integration of the boundary layer differential equations. The most efficient approach to solving heat transfer and friction problems in engineering practice would be using simple algebraic equations based on fitting the results of rigorous numerical computations or experimental investigations. Regrettably, there is no information published regarding how accurate these equations are for various operation conditions. The paper presents a solution to this problem based on deriving systematic numerical solutions to the boundary layer equations in the most rigorous analytical statement, along with conducting a thorough analysis of the equation accuracy for both the equations derived and previously published


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