Comparative Analysis Estimates of Elastic Moduli for Composite. Isotropic Spherical Inclusions
Authors: Zarubin V.S., Kuvyrkin G.N., Savelieva I.Yu. | Published: 02.10.2014 |
Published in issue: #5(98)/2014 | |
Category: Simulation of Processes | |
Keywords: composite, isotropic spherical inclusions, elastic moduli, bilateral estimaties, method of self-consistency |
A comparative quantitative analysis of the estimates of elastic characteristics of composite with isotropic spherical inclusions has been carried out. Various approaches to the mathematical model-building of stress-strain state in the composite which allow to build bilateral boundary values of the elastic moduli and evaluate the maximum possible error of calculation of these values have been considered. Calculated dependences, which establish connection of the composite elastic characteristics with the volume concentration of inclusions and elastic properties of the matrix and inclusions, have been obtained using the method of self-consistency. The calculation results have been compared with known experimental measurements of the longitudinal modulus of the composite with a matrix of cobalt, reinforced with dispersed particles of tungsten carbide.
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