
Structure of nitrided steels after hardening and drawback

Authors: Gerasimov S.A., Bakhirev М.А., Velishchanskii A.V., Ziabrev A.A. Published: 24.05.2015
Published in issue: #3(32)/1998  


Category: Production Process Procedures and Machines  

Results of investigating the structure of nitride hardened steels and model Fe-Cr alloys after hardening and drawback, are presented. It is found that the nitride exudation at drawbacking the nitrided steels is similar to this exudation at the nitride hardening. However, higher density of crystal composition defects in the hardening nitrogen martensite, leads to increasing the dole of larger heterogeneous exudation. This difference is less evident in the martensite steels preserving high density of crystalline structure defects after drawback and before nitride hardening.