
Improvement of Chimneys Control Efficiency by using the Autonomous Device

Authors: Aleksandrov A.A., Akat’ev V.A., Larionov V.I. , Sushchev S.P. , Volkova L.V. Published: 14.02.2017
Published in issue: #1(112)/2017  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2017-1-24-40

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machines, Units and Technological Processes  
Keywords: chimney, lining defect, autonomous device, intratubal optical control, annular band control, resolution capability, led matrix, gyro system, gimbal suspension

The study tested the method of safety control of industrial chimneys with usage of the intratubal autonomous device capable to reveal and register defects of chimney lining without its disconnection from the working boilers. The paper reveals the main problems of modern methods of nondestructive check of technical condition and determination of a residual operation time of chimneys. In our research we examined the design features of the autonomous device affecting its resolution and energy control efficiency. We obtained analytical dependencies for choosing the energy consumption modes. Moreover, we proved the necessity of applying modern energy-saving radiators for flash creation, as well as the technical solutions for gyro stabilization of the autonomous device position by equipping it with the flywheel and fastening on a hawser in a gimbal suspension. Findings of the research show that the improvement of the autonomous device allows for the efficient resource utilization to carry out a complete control cycle and for the necessary defectoscopy resolution capability (1 mm).


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