
Finishing the Tract Surfaces of the Turboprop Engine Blading with a Free Abrasive and using the Cavitation Effect

Authors: Asaev A.S., Drozdov P.A., Sitnikov I.V., Ivanayskiy A.V., Averin N.V. Published: 22.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Technology and Equipment of Mechanical and Physical Processing  
Keywords: finishing, cavitation, rotary blading, turboprop engine, free abrasive


As of today, one of the urgent tasks in mechanical engineering lies in increasing productivity and stabilizing quality parameters in implementation of the finishing processes with surfaces of the aircraft parts made of materials with specific physical and mechanical properties, including those with the complex spatial geometry. Such parts include the turboprop engine blading, which finishing causes defects in the heat-protective coating affecting the aircraft operation characteristics. Turboprop engine blading has a complex surface profile, which complicates its abrasive machining with a tool on a rigid or flexible bond; thus, the process of finishing with a free abrasive is under consideration. The paper presents a study of the finishing process with a free abrasive using the vortex cavitation effect on tract surfaces of the turboprop engine blading after applying the heat-protective coating. The use of hydrodynamic processes occurring under cavitation is able to ensure intensification of abrasive machining and the heat stress absence in the process, as well as minimize the impact loads level. The obtained results of finishing with the free abrasive indicate a possibility of their introduction in improving technological processes of the aircraft serial parts production

The work was performed with financial support of the Assistance Fund and the Government of the Perm Territory

Please cite this article in English as:

Asaev A.S., Drozdov P.A., Sitnikov I.V., et al. Finishing the tract surfaces of the turboprop engine blading with a free abrasive and using the cavitation effect. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 68--81 (in Russ.). EDN: XZTXNX


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