
Model for Concrete Strengthening due to Reinforcement

Authors: Isaev A.L., Veldanov V.A. Published: 07.12.2018
Published in issue: #6(123)/2018  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2018-6-34-43

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Manufacturing Engineering  
Keywords: numerical simulation, concrete, reinforcement, compressibility, strength criterion, dynamic loading, penetration

We present a mathematical model for reinforced concrete response to dynamic loads. We based our model on the one used in numerical simulations for non-reinforced concrete when a concrete target is subjected to dynamic loads created by a penetrator. We stated and solved numerically a two-dimensional axially symmetric continuum mechanics problem. We detected the effect of reinforcement on the concrete structure by varying the dynamic compressibility of concrete in the zone where volumetric strain is positive, as well as by modifying its strength criterion. These variations and modifications took into account the physical and mechanical properties of reinforcement steel and the reinforcement ratio of the concrete structure. The resulting model can simulate the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures subjected to dynamic loads caused by rigid bodies penetrating into them


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