
Algorithm for Computing the Solid Propellant Rocket Engine with Ballistic Charge in the Aerospace Technology Track Testing

Authors: Astahov S.A., Kataev A.V., Sizov G.A. Published: 07.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts  
Keywords: rocket track, ballistic solid propellant, specific impulse, strength, stiffness, mass limitations


The solid fuel rocket engines are required in high-speed testing of the aerospace technology, as they are characterized by high thrust levels, high fuel efficiency and at the same time, possess the minimum possible overall dimensions and weight. The paper presents results of a computational parametric study to determine rational characteristics of a solid propellant engine of the required thrust with strict limitations on weight and overall dimensions. Ground tests of the rocket and aviation systems under conditions close to the full-scale testing were carried out using the test rail installations (tracks). Test object and the solid propellant rocket engine were installed on the movable track carriage. This trend is an established global practice. To increase test speed to 1500 m/s, a significant increase in the solid fuel rocket engine thrust is required. Theoretical study on vibration and shock effects on the design of a rocket carriage with test object under conditions of using the existing rocket track is an urgent task. Important place is given to the issues of the fuel blocks strength and rigidity in order to reduce the combustion chamber walls thickness. Increasing the fuel energy efficiency in a solid fuel rocket engine appears to be also one of the tasks in modern research

Please cite this article in English as:

Astahov S.A., Kataev A.V., Sizov G.A. Algorithm for computing the solid propellant rocket engine with ballistic charge in the aerospace technology track testing. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 8--27 (in Russ.). EDN: LCEKYC


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