Numerical Computation of Specific Impulse and Internal Flow Parameters in Solid Fuel Rocket Motors with Two-Phase Сombustion Products
Authors: Sultanov T.S., Glebov G.A. | Published: 08.09.2021 |
Published in issue: #3(138)/2021 | |
Category: Aviation and Rocket-Space Engineering | Chapter: Thermal, Electric Jet Engines, and Power Plants of Aircrafts | |
Keywords: solid propellant rocket engines, numerical methods, two-phase flows, specific impulse, supersonic nozzle |
Eulerian --- Lagrangian method was used in the Fluent computational fluid dynamics system to calculate motion of the two-phase combustion products in the solid fuel rocket motor combustion chamber and nozzle. Condensed phase is assumed to consist of spherical particles with the same diameter, which dimensions are not changing along the motion trajectory. Flows with particle diameters of 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 μm were investigated. Four versions of the engine combustion chamber configuration were examined: with slotted and smooth cylindrical charge channels, each with external and submerged nozzles. Gas flow and particle trajectories were calculated starting from the solid fuel surface and to the nozzle exit. Volumetric fields of particle concentrations, condensed phase velocities and temperatures, as well as turbulence degree in the solid propellant rocket engine flow duct were obtained. Values of particles velocity and temperature lag from the gas phase along the nozzle length were received. Influence of the charge channel shape, degree of the nozzle submersion and of the condensate particles size on the solid propellant rocket engine specific impulse were determined, and losses were estimated in comparison with the case of ideal flow
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