
Computation of the Stress-Strain State under Low-Cycle Loading using the Endochronic Theory of Viscoplasticity

Авторы: Eremichev A.N. Опубликовано: 18.09.2024
Опубликовано в выпуске: #3(150)/2024  


Раздел: Авиационная и ракетно-космическая техника | Рубрика: 2.5.14. Прочность и тепловые режимы летательных аппаратов  
Ключевые слова: thermodynamics, internal variables, endochronic theory, high-filled polymer material, low-cycle loading, material testing


The term "endochronic" in relation to the theory of plasticity was introduced by K. Valanis in 1971.It was a good marketing ploy. Since then, this termis being widely used. The "endochron" is the "inner time". The concept of "internal variables" was introduced and used much earlier than that proposed by K. Valanis. In a previous article, the author demonstrated results of introducing the endochronic theory to describe complex mechanical behavior of the highfilled polymer material. This paper presents a critical review of theories with the internal variables, as well as new results of using the theory with internal time for the case of low-cycle loading. The stress-strain state of a part after unloading is of particular interest. The function of internal (endochronic) time is determined by the results of testing on tension, compression, shear, shear with the axial compression and then used in the finite element method in solving the task of the stamp indentation into the high-filled polymer material space. Such computation case has practical value. The advantage of introducing the endochronic theory in the finite element method under the low-cycle loading is shown

Please cite this article as:

Eremichev A.N. Computation of the stress-strain state under low-cycle loading using the endochronic theory of viscoplasticity. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 34--40. EDN: ZIZLFA


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