Semenov V.Yu. — Cand. Sci. (Eng.), deputy general director of the Nauchno-
proizvodstvennoy kooperativnoy firmy (PK NPF) “EKIP” [Research and Production
Cooperative Firm (RPCF) “EKIP”] for the refrigeration and cryogenic technology. Author
of more than 30 publications in the field of cryogenic engineering.
PK NPF “EKIP”, Leninskiy rayon, pos. Razvilka, ownership 8, office 44, Moscow region,
142717 Russian Federation.
Малахов Сергей Борисович — начальник конструкторского отдела ПК НПФ “ЭКИП”,
аспирант кафедры “Холодильная, криогенная техника, системы кондиционирования
и жизнеобеспечения” МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана.
ПК НПФ “ЭКИП”, Российская Федерация, 142717, Московская обл., Ленинский
район, пос. Развилка, владение 8, офис 44.
Malakhov S.B. — post-graduate of “Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Air
Conditioning and Life Support Systems” department of the Bauman Moscow State
Technical University, head of the design department of the Nauchno-proizvodstvennoy
kooperativnoy firmy (PK NPF) “EKIP” [Research and Production Cooperative Firm
(RPCF) “EKIP”] for the refrigeration and cryogenic technology. Specialist in the field
of cryogenic engineering.
PK NPF “EKIP”, Leninskiy rayon, pos. Razvilka, ownership 8, office 44, Moscow region,
142717 Russian Federation.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, 2-ya Baumanskaya ul. 5, Moscow, 105005
Russian Federation.
106 ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Машиностроение”. 2014. № 6