Flow instability and its control in compression systems - page 11

The work on numerical simulation of the flow instability beginning to gain
its successes in recent years is an important basis for where to go in developing
the control schemes. The simulation is meant not only for the blade passage flow
but also in coupling with the compressor system including multi-stage matched
and mismatched compressors, which will enhance the true predicting capability
of the numerical tool for the unsteady compressor characteristic and for its use in
practical design applications.
Benefited from the recent development of active control and many related
disciplines and taken account that the targeted control subject is a typical unsteady
flow phenomenon, the design philosophy of instability control should remain
unsteady in spite that the control schemes could be various, active, passive or their
combination. This principle is also in line with the initiative of the operability
enhancement of compressor in terms of the early disturbance rejection, which
could lower the cost of the control and enhance its robustness.
Many contents of this paper are based on the work
performed in my institute and some in cooperation with institutions of other
countries. It is a long list of contributed colleagues and students whom I owe
my gratitude and without whom the work described in the paper would be
impossible. Although it can not be a complete list, I would like first to mention
Dr. Liping Xu (Whittle Lab, UK and BUAA, China), Dr. Chaoqun Nie and
Dr. Gang Xu (currently my institute), and Dr. Feng Lin (Indiana Institute of
Technology, USA). They have also made valuable discussions and suggestions to
this paper. Then I feel particularly obliged to mention Prof. M. Rautenberg and his
team, Dr. U. Haupt, Dr. H. Hasemann, Dr. D. Jin and many others in the Institute
of Turbomachinery, University of Hannover, Germany where I started entering
this field in 1989 and maintained close cooperation with them in many years
followed. I would also like to mention many important contributors once worked
together but now in different fields and in different places at home and abroad,
Dr. Xiaobin Cheng, Dr. Shengfang Liao, Dr. Lixin Shi, Dr. Ji Dai, Dr. Xiaoyan
Huang, Ms. Rui Xu, Mr. Zhenhua Xu and Mr. Kangtao Jiang. With my great
acknowledgement for all the names, I feel a special pleasure working in a team
for such a stimulating research as the flow instability in compressors.
The support for the work has been from several projects of the Ministry of
Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the
Chinese Academy of Sciences and other domestic and international funding. The
current running projects are the National Basic Research Plan and the Innovative
Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences. All of this support is gratefully
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