Software engineering and its application in aerospace industry - page 7

In aerospace industry, software engineering concepts have been widely
spreaded since 1996. On one of the aerospace industry’s management
meetings held in 1998, among the other work arrangements, several more
items were listed, i.e. to improve aerospace software quality, to establish
software certification criterions and acceptance standards in aerospace
industry. Now though the situation is still far from satisfying, progresses
are steadily achieved.
3. Conclusions and expectations.
As a result of mixed reasons,
software industry in China is still underdeveloped. Few work has been
done concerning on software reusability, both theoretically and in practice.
Wide gaps still exist comparing with many other countries. Hence it will be
a primary task for our engineers in the near future, to realize the importance
of software engineering and its impact in other fields, to master the basic
theory, to use correct methods and tools, to learn from the experiences and
lessons obtained by others, and to strive for more progresses in this field.
1. I a n S o m m e r v i l l e. Software Engineering, Machinery Industry Publishing
Company, Beijing, 2003. 1.
2. S h a r i L a w r e n c e P f l e e g e r. Software engineering — theory and practice.
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2003. 8.
3. L e n B a s s, P a u l C l e m e n t s. Software architecture in practice. Tsinghua
university, Beijing, 2002. 10.
4. S c o t t W. Ambler, Object Oriented Software Engineering. Machinery Industry
Publishing Company, Beijing, 2003. 6.
5. I a n S o m m e r v i l l e, P e t e S a w y e r. Requirement Engineering, Machinery
Industry Publishing Company, Beijing, 2003. 8.
6. S o f t w a r e Engineering Laboratory, SWEBOK, version 0.95, 2001. 5.
7. Z h o u S u, W a n g W e n. Software Engineering, Science publishing company,
Beijing, 2002. 9.
Статья поступила в редакцию 8.07.2005
JI Simei (Цзи Симэй), acquired her PhD at Bauman Moscow State Technical University
(МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана) in 2001. She works in Bijing Institute of Technology as an
associate professor since 2002, and currently involves mainly in pedagogic as well as
research works in fields of Flight Dynamics and Control, Flight Vehicle Design and
Computer Aided Design.
Симэй Цзи защитила диссертацию на звание канд. техн. наук в 2001 г. в МГТУ
им. Н.Э. Баумана. Доцент Пекинского технологического института. Специализиру-
ется в области динамики полета и управления полетом летательных аппаратов, про-
ектирования летательных аппаратов, в том числе с использованием методов ком-
пьютерного моделирования.
124 ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Машиностроение”. 2006. № 1
1,2,3,4,5,6 7
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