Центр плазменных исследований и технологий МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана - page 8

Fig. 10. Three more developments: self-sterilising surfaces (completely encapsulated
work surface, which can self-sterilize with plasma — left), battery-operated design
for surface treatment to remove malodour (centre), piezo (mechanically) operated
plasma device (right)
Fig. 11. Viable LN18 cells (cell
line which is resistant against
TMZ) for a CAP treatment
of 60 s, for a treatment with
M TMZ and for
the combined treatment 60 s
CAP + 50
TMZ. The data clearly shows,
that the combined treatment
revealed synergistic non-additive
effects.(K¨oritzer et al. 2013)
Plasma is a new medium that has remarkable properties in health care:
it is a broadband germicidal agent;
it inactivates bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores — ideal for hygiene;
it kills resistant bacteria in seconds;
it reduces the risk of infections;
it has regenerative properties — wounds heal faster;
it is cell selective — cancer cells are inactivated, healthy cells are
it soothes and heals many skin disorders;
there are no known detrimental side effects;
it even accelerates plant growth...
The big breakthrough for plasma medicine came with the development
of “Cold Atmospheric Plasmas”, which can be safely applied to human
skin and which have no known negative side effects.
The important current issues in plasma medicine are:
identify the processes that make plasma such a formidable germicidal
understand in detail the mode of action of plasma-cell interaction;
optimize plasma source and transport design for specific applications;
improve plasma chemistry for biological/medical applications;
investigate combined plasma-topical/systemic drug effects;
ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Машиностроение” 2013. № 2 53
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