Центр плазменных исследований и технологий МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана - page 7

measurements with large isotropic 3D systems, microgravity conditions
are absolutely necessary.
The complex plasma space program has been continuous since the first
experiments were carried out on the Mir station — by cosmonauts trained
by scientists from JIHT of the Russian Academy. Over 50 cosmonauts
have already conducted complex plasma experiments to this day. Soon (in
2014) it will be time to install the next complex plasma space laboratory
. With this new technological development the quality of the next-
generation microgravity experiments will be further improved, experiments
will be much more flexible, diagnostics is better and — most important —
the laboratory is the first which has been designed to specially facilitate
interdisciplinary research. This crucial strategic step could be achieved with
plasma discharge chambers utilizing novel principles of plasma generation
and manipulation. The
laboratory, which has been developed in a
close collaboration between JIHT and MPE, is scheduled for launch to the
International Space station in 2014. It is perfectly suited for particle-
resolved studies of flow phenomena occurring in liquid plasmas. In
our strategic plans
will be followed by the
Plasma Lab
which is currently undergoing first laboratory tests at MPE. This setup
should provide us with the unique opportunity to manipulate interparticle
interactions, which will expand the frontiers of the particle-resolved studies
of condensed matter dramatically.
5. Plasma Medicine Laboratory (see fig. 9, fig. 10, fig. 11).
medicine is an “emerging new topic” in plasma science. To understand the
full scope it is perhaps better to use the term “Plasma Health Care”, since
the envisaged applications range from food hygiene and sterile packaging
to water treatment, plant growth, environmental protection, and medicine.
The latter includes, in particular, treatment of bacterial, viral and fungal
skin diseases, wound infection and wound healing, cancer, artificial joints
and dental medicine — to name the most prominent examples.
Fig. 9. Microwave plasma
device, which has been
used in clinical trials, so
far over 3500 applications
(developed together with
Adtec Plasma Technology
52 ISSN 0236-3941. Вестник МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана. Сер. “Машиностроение”. 2013. № 2
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