
Electrodynamic Protection from Hollow-Charge Weapons. Physical Aspects of Functioning

Authors: Fedorov S.V. Published: 29.05.2014
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014  


Category: Simulation of Processes  
Keywords: explosion, shaped charge, shaped-charge jet, penetration action, electric current, electrodynamic protection

A nonconventional method is considered for protecting different objects against the shaped-charge weapons by means of passing a powerful electric discharge through a shaped-charge jet to decrease a depth of its penetration into the target. Development of the necking-type magnetohydrodynamic instability and dispersion of jet material with its radial scattering are analyzed as possible physical mechanisms of a reduction in the penetrative ability of shaped-charge jets under exposure to the electric current. Based on generalization of results of numerical simulation of these effects, a computational procedure is developed for determining the penetration action of shaped charges under condition of passing a powerful pulse of electric current along the shaped-charge jet. The calculation results are compared with experimental data.


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