
Algorithmic Support of Loop of Secondary Processing of Trajectory Measurements in Adjustment of Shooting of Reactive Systems of Volley Fire

Authors: Lysenko L.N., Nguyen Hay Minh Published: 17.01.2014
Published in issue: #1(70)/2008  


Category: Simulation of Processes  

The development of volley fire systems was initially oriented to solving problems on destruction of mainly multiple targets. At present, however, a problem to improve their precision up to the level, allowing the guaranteed destruction of single targets as well with the relatively small ammunition consumption, is considered as a very urgent one in addition to problems of increasing the range of shooting. Study results present an attempt of the further modernization and generalization of theoretical statements of the well-known approach that is associated with using trajectory measurements in adjustment of shooting by means of rocket and artillery armament. Ways are shown of the statements expansion for the case of adjustment of shooting of reactive systems of volley fire.