
Electromagnetic Characteristics of Moment Contactless Motors of Direct Current

Authors: Gridin V.M. Published: 16.07.2013
Published in issue: #2(83)/2011  


Category: Robotics and Automatics  
Keywords: contactless dc motors, nonsymmetrical armature winding, electromagnetic moment pulsation

Electromagnetic characteristics are considered as applied to contactless dc motors with threesection and nonsymmetrical four-section armature windings. The expressions are derived for electromagnetic moment and its pulsation, which take into account different forms of the magnetic induction distribution along the circumference of the air gap, various methods of dropping a winding in the armature’s magnetic conductor, and different number of simultaneously operating sections of the armature winding. It is established that the motors with the nonsymmetrical four-section armature winding create the larger electromagnetic moment with its less pulsation than that of motors with three-section armature winding.