About Calculation of Plasma Parameters in the Technological Atmospheric-Pressure Pulse-Periodic Plasma System
Authors: Grishin Yu.M., Rydkin M.V. | Published: 29.05.2014 |
Published in issue: #3(96)/2014 | |
Category: Production Process Procedures and Machines | |
Keywords: low-temperature plasma, plasmatron, pulse discharge, pulse plasma unit, calculation methods, modification of surface layers properties |
Processes of accelerating the plasma formation in the hybrid double-stage pulse-periodic plasma systems (PPPS) that generate high-energy pulsed plasma flows under standard atmospheric conditions are investigated theoretically. Numerical simulations are performed and peculiarities of gas thermal-physical parameters distribution in the channel of PPPS electrode unit are defined at the stage of its filling with a low-temperature plasma generated by the system of stationary plasmatrons. A quadratic law of mass distribution in the channel, required for processes simulation at the pulse discharge stage, is established. Analysis of processes at the high-current pulse discharge stage is carried out on the basis of the system of electrodynamic approach equations. Features of dynamics of acceleration of the generated plasma formation are found on the basis of numerical calculation results. Dependences of the velocity, temperature, and other parameters of generated plasma on the main structural, electrotechnical and energetic PPPS parameters are defined. It is shown that a technological PPPS with the initial energy of capacity about 10 kJ makes it possible to generate plasma formations moving at a velocity up to 3 km/s and with a mass-average temperature up to 30 kK.
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