
Influence of Magnetic-Pulse Processing on Plasticity of Diffusion Chrome-Aluminized Coatings

Authors: Simonov V.N. , Unchikova M.V., Shkretov Yu.P., Velishchanskii A.V. Published: 07.10.2013
Published in issue: #3(80)/2010  


Category: Production Process Procedures and Machines  
Keywords: magnetic-pulse processing, structure of inter-phase boundaries, longeivity of diffusion coatings

Influence of the pulse electromagnetic field with various powers on the dynamical plasticity of diffusion chrome-aluminized coatings, obtained by the gas-circulation method on the cast nickel high-temperature alloy ZhS26U, is studied. The optimal technological regimes are experimentally found for the plasticity increase, and the model of the magnetic effect on the structure of inter-phase boundaries in the coating is presented.