Simulation of Thermal State of the Diesel Cylinder Head and Valves
Authors: Onishchenko D.O., Pankratov S.A.  | Published: 20.11.2013 |
Published in issue: #4(93)/2013 | |
Category: Power-generating and Transport Machine Building | |
Keywords: internal combustion engine, diesel, cylinder head, valve, thermal state |
A problem of thermal state simulation of parts of the diesel combustion chamber is considered. A mathematical model of thermal state of the cylinder head and valves of the diesel engine is described. The relationships are analyzed for determining the thermal boundary conditions of the cylinder head surfaces (fire deck, inlet and outlet ports, and cooled surface) and the engine valves and also for finding the thermal conductivity ofjoints of the parts. A method for combined calculation of the cylinder head and valves is offered which does not require performing several iterations for determination of the coordinated temperature field of the parts. Additionally, the method makes it possible to take into account that the boundary conditions and temperature field of the valve are not axisymmetric. The mathematical simulation of the thermal state of the cylinder head, valves, and valve seats of the diesel of 12ChN15/18 type is conducted. The simulation results and their analysis are presented.
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