The Projection Matrix Method for Synthesizing a Loop of the Rotation Speed Regulation of a Steam Turbine Rotor
Authors: Mel'nikov D.V. | Published: 20.11.2013 |
Published in issue: #4(93)/2013 | |
Category: Power-generating and Transport Machine Building | |
Keywords: mathematical mode, steam turbine, control system, projection-matrix method, synthesis |
Now the projection-matrix methods for calculating and designing the systems whose behavior is described by nonlinear differential equations find wide use in practical applications of the automatic control theory. The possibility of using the projection-matrix methods is considered for solving problems that arise at the stage ofdesigning the systems to control power-generating objects, in particular, the problem of synthesis of a loop for regulation of the rotation speed of a steam turbine rotor. The obtained results are the evidence of effectiveness of application of the projection-matrix methods to solving problems posed by power engineering.
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