
Simulation and Real-World Investigation of the Vacuum Pumping Process for Liquid Nitrogen Vapour

Authors: Ustsov A.A., Kupriyanov M.Yu. Published: 11.08.2020
Published in issue: #4(133)/2020  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2020-4-95-108

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum, Compressor Technology, and Pneumatic Systems  
Keywords: thermostatting, vacuum pumping, test bench, phase transition, storage Dewar

We performed the required theoretical computations to simulate the process of pumping saturated liquid nitrogen vapours, accounting for the assumptions adopted. The paper provides a schematic of the test bench and describes the sequence of experiment stages. We checked whether the storage Dewar and volumetric vacuum pump were selected correctly so as to ensure the required evacuation level above the liquid nitrogen surface. We built our test bench and conducted an experiment involving thermostatting in the 63 to 77 K temperature range, and achieved a phase transition in the nitrogen, it turning from liquid to solid. We computed the mass of the nitrogen evaporated required to reach its triple point temperature. We calculated the effective evacuation rate in the system, taking into account the conductivity of separate components. We determined the minimum vapour evacuation time required. We plotted system temperature and pressure as functions of time. The paper describes possible modernisation of the experimental installation, that is, introducing additional crystallisation centres and monitoring the liquid nitrogen mass using electronic scales


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