Algorithm for Determining Optimum Runner Number in the Blading Section of a Turbomolecular Pump
Authors: Demikhov K.E., Gordeeva U.S., Ochkov A.A. | Published: 20.02.2020 |
Published in issue: #1(130)/2020 | |
Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Vacuum, Compressor Technology, and Pneumatic Systems | |
Keywords: turbomolecular high vacuum pump, blading section, runner, optimisation, pumping speed |
The paper considers developing an algorithm for determining the optimum runner number in the blading section of a turbomolecular pump. Such pumps are built into chromatograph mass spectrometers for ensuring vacuum production in the chamber. Turbo-molecular pumps boast a number of advantages over other pumping solutions since it is possible to arrive at the required pumping parameters by means of selecting the optimum blading section configuration. In order to solve this problem, we present an algorithm for calculating the optimum runner number in the blading section of a turbomolecular pump, ensuring the pumping characteristics required: pumping speed and pressure ratio. The algorithm is based on well-known analytical expressions describing processes taking place in pumps of this type, which means it is highly computationally efficient. We determined the respective blading section parameter values, selected the values of empirical coefficients and plotted the pumping performance for the first two runners. The algorithm developed may be used to optimise mass and dimensions of turbomolecular pumps, which could significantly expand their use
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