Approaches to Increase the Accuracy of Classification of the Compressor Blading Erosion Degree
Authors: Blinov V.L., Deryabin A.D., Zubkov I.S. | Published: 22.01.2025 |
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024 | |
Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Combination Turbine Plants | |
Keywords: axial compressor, erosive wear, classification, machine learning, artificial data, accuracy improvement |
Erosive wear of the axial compressor blading reduces efficiency of the gas turbine units and could lead to their decommissioning. One of the methods in assessing and predicting the erosive wear under the gas turbine operation conditions is introduction of the machine learning models. The use of compressor operation parameters as the indicators makes it possible to determine the probable blading defect degree. For example, it was previously established that accuracy in classifying the axial compressor blading erosion degree by the machine learning methods and using initial results of the numerical experiments with the NASA Stage 37 transonic model stage reached 80 %. In continuing this stage research, the paper provides approaches to improve accuracy in solving the problem of classifying the erosive wear degree of the compressor blading. The paper identifies four approaches to improve the erosion prediction accuracy using the machine learning methods. They include reducing classification categories by expanding the wear degree values range for each category, adding artificial data in learning by interpolating results of the numerical experiments, solving the erosion classification problem by the regression methods, and creating an ensemble of the best models. Combination of the proposed methods results in increasing accuracy in the blading wear prediction up to 87--97 %
The work was supported by the RSF (project no. 22-79-00169)
Please cite this article in English as:
Blinov V.L., Deryabin G.A., Zubkov I.S. Approaches to increase the accuracy of classification of the compressor blading erosion degree. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 129--142 (in Russ.). EDN: YTDSCQ
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