Use of Turboprop Fans with the Device for Intensification of Aeration of Open Pits for Ventilation of Mined-Out Space
Authors: Starostin I.I., Bondarenko A.V. | Published: 21.12.2021 |
Published in issue: #4(139)/2021 | |
Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Combination Turbine Plants | |
Keywords: turboprop engine, aircraft engine, quarry, ventilation, quarry fan, aeration, quarry aeration device, isothermal jet, simulation |
The application of open-pit fans on the basis of turboprop aircraft engines, working in complex with the devices for intensification of aeration of worked-out space, for ventilation of open-pit mines is considered. The most effective for the open-pit mines ventilation is the use of isothermal jets created by the mine fans with gas-turbine aviation engines. The principle design of the device for intensification of open pits airing represents inclined profiled blades installed on supports. Such a design allows to direct the developed ventilation jet into the quarry, as well as to increase its velocity at the outlet into the mined-out space in the constructions of confusers (blades--top platform of leeward side). The application of the complex, consisting of the ventilation installation and the device of quarries aeration intensification, installed on the surface, allows to increase considerably the volume of the air, supplied to the worked-out space, in comparison with the location of the fan in the pit, to decrease the noise levels in the working zones. By means of modeling qualitative and quantitative aerodynamic characteristics of the offered ventilation scheme (location of the fan and aeration intensifier, pattern of air currents in the quarry, speeds distribution) are defined, its application efficiency and conditions are evaluated
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