
Structure-Borne Noise and Improving Acoustic Properties of Vehicle-Mounted Power Plants

Authors: Chaynov N.D. Published: 18.02.2019
Published in issue: #1(124)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-1-120-128

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Turbomachines and Combination Turbine Plants  
Keywords: acoustics, noise, vibration, sound pressure, vibration eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes, finite element and boundary element methods

Reducing noise generated by the operation of various machines and mechanisms is an important problem, in particular in the field of power plants and, first and foremost, internal combustion engines. Noise generation due to surface vibrations in the housing is called structure-borne noise, which is one of the main manifestations of noise emerging during engine operation. We used numerical methods to determine the vibrations in external surfaces of complex-shaped engine housing parts and compute their acoustic properties. Our implementation of combined finite and boundary element methods to compute vibration parameters of structural elements and structure-borne noise respectively turned out to be quite efficient. We present the results of computational analysis of structure-borne noise for a range of automotive engines


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