
Metal Liner Reliability Assessment for BREST-OD-300 Reactor Vessel Accounting for Brittle Fracture and Leaks

Authors: Solonin V.I., Terekhin A.N., Shiverskiy E.A. Published: 17.10.2019
Published in issue: #5(128)/2019  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2019-5-119-134

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Nuclear Power Plants, Fuel Cycle, Radiation Safety  
Keywords: multi-layer metal-concrete vessel, metal liner, vessel reliability, probabilistic mechanical model-ing, brittle fracture and leak

Multi-layer metal-concrete vessel of BREST-OD-300 reactor comprising metal liner that covers internal cavities and ducts has an original design with no known analogues. Due to this, statistical reliability assessment methods, based on operating or testing experience, are not applicable in this case. We propose a method to assess the reliability of the reactor vessel liner taking into account a random nature of loads and mechanical properties affecting brittle rupture and leakage probability. The assessment is based on numerical simulation of postulated defects growth, allowance for the probability of their omission in the control process, and calculation of strength characteristics during operation using finite element models. In our research we took into account such factors as lead coolant and vessel internal component loads, high temperatures and irradiation, low cycle loads. The results of method application revealed the most vulnerable areas of the liner. In addition, findings of research show a high level of reliability of the metal liner of BREST-OD-300 reactor vessel, due to low probabilities of brittle fracture and leaks


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