
Analysis of Viscous Fluid Flow in Micropump Elements for Circulatory Support Systems

Authors: Khaustov A.I., Boyarskiy G.G. Published: 08.09.2021
Published in issue: #3(138)/2021  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2021-3-135-145

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Hydraulic Machines and Hydropneumatic units  
Keywords: micropump, 3D flow simulation, hemolysis, thrombosis, circulatory support system

The paper presents the results of developing a micro-pump for the circulatory support system. The maximum diameter of the micropump is 6.5 mm. This allows it to be introduced into the human body through the femoral artery, which ensures its minimally invasive use. The micropump draws blood from the left ventricle of the heart and pumps it into the aorta behind the aortic valve. The numerical analysis of the spatial flow of an incompressible viscous fluid (blood) in the developed elements of the micropump allowed us to prove that its flow path corresponds to the conditions of minimal hemolysis and thrombosis during blood pumping. The developed micropump ensures uniform distribution of pressure and blood flow velocity at the outlet, which guarantees a uniform blood supply to the aorta. There are no zones of stagnation of blood and vortices throughout the flow part of the micropump, which reduces thrombosis in the micropump. In the entire volume of blood flow, even in the peripheral section of the micropump impeller, shear rates and shear stresses do not exceed critical values, which leads to minimal blood hemolysis in the developed elements of the micropump. The obtained results of 3D flow simulation in the elements of the micropump made it possible to develop design documentation for the manufacture and testing of its prototype on hydraulic and hemodynamic stands

This work was supported by the Fund for the Promotion of Innovations (сontract no. 3052GS1/44987 dated 04.06.2019)


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