
Physical and Chemical Properties of Petroleum Motor Fuels with Vegetable Oil Additives and their Effect on Diesel Performance

Authors: Markov V.An., Chaynov N.D., Loboda S.S. Published: 02.10.2018
Published in issue: #5(122)/2018  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2018-5-108-122

Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Heat Engines  
Keywords: internal combustion engine, diesel engine, petroleum diesel fuel, vegetable oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, biofuel blend, exhaust gas toxicity factors

The paper considers types of biofuel for internal combustion engines. It lists physical and chemical properties of vegetable oils and blends of vegetable oil and petroleum diesel fuel, as well as the prospects of using them in diesel engines. We performed a comparative analysis of vegetable oil viscosities and viscosities of vegetable oil blends with petroleum diesel fuel. The study shows that vegetable oil viscosity is considerably different from that of petroleum diesel fuel. We derived approximate fittings for blend viscosities as functions of fuel composition. We present results of experimental investigations dealing with the D-245.12S diesel engine running on petroleum diesel fuel and blends with vegetable oil additives. We studied rapeseed and sunflower oil additives to petroleum diesel fuel. We demonstrate that it is possible to improve environmental performance of a diesel using the biofuel blends listed. The most important toxic components in diesel exhaust gases are nitrogen oxide and soot. We provide data on how the content of these components depends on the number of oxygen atoms in the molecules of the biofuel blends under consideration


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