
Simulating Temperature State of Structures with the Power Elements using the Example of an Aircraft Fuel Compartment Exposed to Radiation Heating

Authors: Gvozdev M.S., Lopukhov I.I. Published: 24.07.2024
Published in issue: #2(149)/2024  


Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Theoretical and Applied Heat Engineering  
Keywords: radiation heaters, aircraft, fuel compartment, reinforcement elements, combined method, thermal tests


The paper presents results of studying the combined heating method influence on the temperature fields reproduction in the full-scale aircraft structures under bench testing. The combined heating method means a test method, where the structure being tested is simultaneously subjected to radiation heating and exposed to a flow of cold air during the forced convection. This method could be introduced in thermal or thermal-strength tests of the aircraft structures containing adjacent elements with different heat capacities to reduce the heating unevenness. The combined heating method makes it possible to more accurately simulate temperature fields in a structure containing elements with different heat capacities compared to the radiation method of heating structures, which is widely used in thermal and thermal-strength tests. The paper also presents results of studying the combined test method influence on the structure uneven heating, which appears due to design specifics of the heaters used, as well as results of computational and physical simulation of the temperature state of a structure with the reinforcement elements using the example of the aircraft fuel compartment

Please cite this article in English as:

Gvozdev M.S., Lopukhov I.I. Simulating temperature state of structures with the power elements using the example of an aircraft fuel compartment exposed to radiation heating. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 2 (149), pp. 194--208 (in Russ.). EDN: VRHRSU


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