
Comrehensive Study of the Fluid Coupling Characteristics using the CFD

Authors: Vdovin D.S., Sidorov Al.A., Dyakov A.S., Fedorov S.P. Published: 22.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024  


Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Machines and Devices, Processes of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Air Conditioning  
Keywords: fluid coupling, finite-volume simulation, turbine wheel, electric drive, scoop pipe


The paper presents a comprehensive study of the fluid coupling mechanical characteristics at alteration in the flow part geometry. A hybrid approach is introduced in synthesizing the fluid coupling flow part. The standard quasi-one-dimensional technique based on the jet theory is used to compute the flow part initial version. For subsequent model refinement and accounting for the effect of alteration in the moment characteristic composition or geometry, the paper applies finite-volume simulation in the three-dimensional non-stationary formulation taking into account the turbulence. In the course of the study, original results are obtained, and certain known results are confirmed. Thus, good agreement in results is obtained when comparing CFD simulation and the known analytical technique making it possible to apply the finite volume method in studying the flow in the fluid coupling cavity. The paper shows that in the case of selecting an alteration in volume due to the scoop pipe motion as the principle of controlling the fluid coupling mechanical characteristics, it is necessary to consider the additional volume and the scoop pipe in simulation, since they are significantly effecting the torque and axial forces. The paper studies influence of the inclination angle and the number of blades in the pump and turbine wheels and shows that with a decrease in the inclination angle, the torque increases, which allows reducing the blading active diameter at the equivalent output power. Combined characteristic of the electric drive, fluid coupling and consumer is constructed showing that the selected active diameter (535 mm) provides the necessary fluid coupling characteristic for transmitting power with an efficiency of 97 % at the nominal point

Please cite this article in English as:

Vdovin D.S., Sidorov A.A., Dyakov A.S., et al. Comrehensive study of the fluid coupling characteristics using the CFD. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 143--159 (in Russ.). EDN: YTOGOJ


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