Comparative Analysis of Cryosurgical System Designs
Authors: Ryabinina M.M., Krotov A.S., Krylov V.I., Andreev N.A. | Published: 02.08.2018 |
Published in issue: #4(121)/2018 | |
Category: Power Engineering | Chapter: Machines and Devices, Processes of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering, Air Conditioning | |
Keywords: сryosurgical system, cryoprobe, micro-scale heat exchanger, cooling capacity, refrigerant, cryosurgical system |
The study compares the features of contemporary cryosurgical systems used in transcutaneous surgery, analyses work cycle diagrams, and specifies advantages and disadvantages. We describe the principles of operation and design of one of the minimally invasive probes used in cryosurgery. We consider the cell death mechanism in cryodestruction. We propose a promising direction for upgrading cryosurgical systems, that is, using a closed work cycle employing a multi-component refrigerant blend, which has no analogues in the field today. We compared work cycle characteristics for running on various refrigerants and selected a multi-component refrigerant that ensures the best cycle parameters. The optimum choice is the one corresponding to minimum compression work and maximum thermodynamic degree of perfection in a cycle
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