
Mathematical Simulation in Determining Energy-Efficient Modes of the Articulated Electric Bus Pneumatic System Operation

Authors: Rubanov P.S., Goncharov R.B., Skotnikov G.I. Published: 22.01.2025
Published in issue: #4(151)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes  
Keywords: electric bus, pneumatic system, energy efficiency, pneumatic compressor, mathematical model


The urban electric transport is actively developing nowadays all over the world. Therefore, rational power consumption on board becomes an important issue. This is especially true for the electric buses. Optimizing the vehicle power consumption helps to increase its range making it possible to reduce the number of recharges in routes, thereby raising the operation efficiency. Pneumatic system (in particular, the compressor) is one of the electric bus power consuming systems. The paper determines an energy-efficient operation mode on a typical route as part of this study. Compressor is a key element that ensures functioning of the brake mechanisms pneumatic drive. Besides, suspension system plays an important role being responsible for convenience in the passengers boarding and disembarking due to the body tilt towards the boarding side. Analytical computation is performed using mathematical simulation in the MATLAB Simulink software package. Mathematical models of the electric bus pneumatic system and its motion are making it possible to determine the average air consumption, pressure alteration, operation time, number of compressor starts and the amount of energy consumed by it. Numerical computation allowed studying the effect of pneumatic system volume and operating pressure increase on the number of starts, compressor operation time and power consumption. The obtained results could be used in design and development of a pneumatic system that meets the electric bus energy efficiency requirements

Please cite this article in English as:

Rubanov P.S., Goncharov R.B., Skotnikov G.I. Mathematical simulation in determining energy-efficient modes of the articulated electric bus pneumatic system operation. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 4 (151), pp. 112--128 (in Russ.). EDN: YSPGLG


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