
Road Roller Performance in the Highway Earth Embankment Compacting

Authors: Savelyev S.V., Poteryaev I.K., Razdobarin B.A. Published: 25.09.2024
Published in issue: #3(150)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes  
Keywords: roller, compaction, performance, soil, vibration


Transport infrastructure improvement is an important factor in development of any country. Russian Federation with its vast territories requires significant expansion of the highway network. Highway facilities construction needs the use of a large number of specialized equipment, which efficiency and performance determine the construction pace and the quality of work performed. The paper considers increasing the road roller performance in the highway earth embankment compacting. It presents a number of promising designs of the road rollers protected by patents and authors certificates of the Russian Federation. Any new development requires theoretical justification and practical confirmation of its operability and compliance with the declared technical characteristics. Experimental samples of the roller working bodies developed in FSBEI HE "SibADI" are compared with those installed on the serially produced DU-107 vibration roller to study alteration in the compaction coefficient depending on the number of roller passes along one track. Both theoretical and experimental studies consider the loamy soil compaction. Analytical computation is provided to determine the road roller operation modes and performance. Rational speed, compacted layer thickness and number of passes along one track are identified for the vibration rollers, including vibration rollers on the pneumatic tires. The new proposed design of a pneumatic vibratory roller proves its sufficient efficiency in the highway roadbed construction. Introduction of the road roller new designs would make it possible to increase pace and productivity of work during construction of the transport infrastructure

The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the Government of the Omsk Region (scientific grant no. 23-29-10010 "Development of the road rollers to improve the transport infrastructure construction efficiency taking into account regional conditions in the Omsk Region")

Please cite this article in English as:

Savelyev S.V., Poteryaev I.K., Razdobarin B.A. Road roller performance in the high-way earth embankment compacting. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 90--100 (in Russ.).EDN: SBIATO


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