
Computational and Experimental Study of the Autorotating Rotor Traction Characteristics

Authors: Menzul Published: 25.09.2024
Published in issue: #3(150)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes  
Keywords: all-terrain vehicle, rotor, autorotation, experiment, validation


Bauman Moscow State Technical University is engaged in improving cross-country ability of the all-terrain vehicles using the autogyro technologies. A review of domestic and foreign sources demonstrates that any published adequate methodology for computing traction characteristics of the autogyro autorotating rotors with a common horizontal hinge is missing. The paper presents an analytical methodology for calculating aerodynamic characteristics of the autorotating rotor with a common horizontal hinge based on the Glauert --- Lock theory. A mobile specialized test bench was created for experimental study of the autorotating rotor and validation of the developed computation methodology on the BRP Outlander 6 × 6 all-terrain vehicle chassis. Main characteristics of the "Kazachok" autogyro rotor were experimentally studied. Thrust and rotation frequency were measured depending on the oncoming airflow speed and angle of attack. High convergence of the computation results obtained using the analytical methodology with the experimental data in the steady-state autorotation modes was shown. Further development of the analytical methodology is carried out in order to ensure the possibility of simulating rotor dynamics in the modes of unsteady autorotation, efforts on the controls and stability in the blades flapping motion

Please cite this article in English as:

Menzulskiy S.Yu. Computational and experimental study of the autorotating rotor traction characteristics. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 76--89 (in Russ.). EDN: YZVNAU


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