
Structural and Functional Analysis of the Vehicle Seat Belt Tensioners

Authors: Gonsales A.A.V. Published: 18.09.2024
Published in issue: #3(150)/2024  


Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes  
Keywords: passive safety, seat belt tensioner, gas generator, high-speed shooting, instrumental decomposition


The vehicle passive safety system is a set of its design and operation properties, as well as devices and mechanisms designed to protect passengers from injuries in an accident, or to reduce the risk of any injury. The most important components of the modern vehicle internal passive safety system include inertial seat belts with the tensioners limiting the passengers’ motion inside the vehicle and reducing the inertial loads acting on them, which occur during an impact in a road accident. The paper presents results of experimental studies of the vehicle seat belt tensioners operation processes. Based on modern tools of the experimental physics of fast processes, a technique was developed and implemented to identify kinematic parameters in dynamics of the vehicle internal passive safety system actuators operation using the high-speed shooting. Pyrotechnic gas generators of the vehicle seat belt tensioners were instrumentally decomposed, structural layouts of all units and parts, their functional purpose and design features were identified. The reverse engineering methods were used to develop 3D models of the typical tensioners with pyrotechnic gas generators. The conducted research and the obtained results are important and required component in creating a scientific, technical and experimental base for design, development and production of the high-tech vehicle internal passive safety systems in the Russian Federation

Please cite this article in English as:

Gonsales Astua A.V. Structural and functional analysis of the vehicle seat belt tensioners. Herald of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Series Mechanical Engineering, 2024, no. 3 (150), pp. 41--56 (in Russ.). EDN: XSCHNN


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