
Methodology for Assessing the Efficiency of Digitalization of Production Processes of a Petrochemical Enterprise

Authors: Shinkevich A.I., Nadezhdina  M.E. Published: 26.06.2021
Published in issue: #2(137)/2021  

DOI: 10.18698/0236-3941-2021-2-72-84

Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Product Quality Management. Standardization. Organization of Production  
Keywords: eficiency, production costs, digital modernization, integral indicator, digital production, organization of production

The fourth industrial revolution promotes a radical transition of chemical-technological systems to a new fifth technological paradigm. The radical transformation of value added chains through the digitalization of processes and products of chemical technological systems raises the urgent issue of staffing in a dynamically changing environment. In the course of studying the processes of digitalization of petrochemical industries, a low level of assessment of the efficiency of production processes digitalization was revealed. The paper considers approaches to assessing the organization of production, some indicators of assessing the efficiency of digitalization at industrial enterprises, a methodology for diagnosing the technological development of discrete production of continuous type. The study offers a method for assessing the efficiency of digitalization of production processes of continuous type, in particular, at petrochemical enterprises, and introduces the system of indicators of organizing digital main and auxiliary industries, the indicators being grouped into an integral indicator. The proposed methodology underlies the information system for monitoring the level of digitalization of production processes of a petrochemical enterprise and is an important tool in the implementation of the digital transformation strategy of enterprises

The study was carried out within the framework of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of the leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation no. NSh-2600.2020.6


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