Evaluation of the Composite Barrier Natural Oscillations Influence on the Generated Shock Loading
Authors: Borozenets A.S., Proskurin A.V., Shlishevskiy A.V. | Published: 28.03.2021 |
Published in issue: #1(136)/2021 | |
Category: Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science | Chapter: Machines, Units and Technological Processes | |
Keywords: reinforced concrete barrier, shock loading, longitudinal oscillations, piezo accelerometer, digital filtering, spectral density |
The problem of studying behavior of various structures under the influence of intense impulsive (shock) loads arising during operation of many modern facilities, machines and devices remains relevant for many years. Shock loading in laboratory conditions is generated due to interaction between the test object and the braking device (barrier). In this case, braking device or barrier could be a one-piece or a prefabricated structure. If the braking device (barrier) dimensions commensurate with the test object, the braking device natural oscillation frequencies excited during interaction between the test object and the braking device (barrier) could be found in the range of the test object natural oscillation frequencies. Frequency determination within the signal spectrum registered on the test object and caused by oscillations of the braking device (barrier) or test equipment, would assist in better assessing the test object shock loading and its compliance with real operating conditions
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